
Motherwort Tincture

  • $18.00
This is a gift!

1 fl oz . 30ml

One of my favourite herbs, Motherwort, was used to cure ‘hysteria’ once upon a time. It was also said to provide protection against ‘wykked speritus’. This wicked spirit was simply the powerful, loving force that women hold in their wombs, hearts and hands; their inner knowing perhaps; their voice of truth.

Sitting with Motherwort and tuning in, touching her beautifully textured leaves, spiky seeds and red stems, one can begin to feel a sense of calm and ease. This is similar to the feeling of taking a few drops of her tincture.

Motherwort begins with the womb. It goes there first, pulling us to the ground, to rootedness, to the mother within. Then, working up to the heart, she slows the quickened pulse, releasing the grip of anxiety before proceeding to the head where she reminds us to breathe and find our inner voice.


Similar to our WOMB TONIC, but as a single herb rather than a combination and without apple cider vinegar. 


Motherwort is used as a mild sedative, easing anxiety and stress. Due to its relaxing effect on muscles, it is also used for muscle spasms and as a heart tonic. It also relaxes the the uterus, allowing blood to move out and flow. It eases menstrual cramps and can help regulate menstruation. It's used to ease headaches, PMS and menopausal symptoms. Motherwort is also a bitter herb and therefore can act as a digestive aid. 

*Contains vodka and raw, local honey.

This is a fresh, whole plant infused elixir made with hand-harvested herbs grown organically or foraged locally.


This is an internal product. Take 15-30 drops in water per day or as needed. Refrain from use during menstruation if flow is increased. 


Motherwort as it relates to anxiety, depression, nervousness, and as a sedative for insomnia.

Pharmacological studies have confirmed its antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity, as well as its effects on the heart and the circulatory system. Sedative and hypotensive activity has been demonstrated in clinical trials.

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